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How Many Pounds of Bag Dog Food Do You Need?

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Bulk dog food

A dog owner spends between $20 and $2000 monthly on dog food. The actual cost depends on the type of food, the brand, and the breed of the dog. Feeding your dog can quickly get expensive, especially if you have large dog breeds or are a parent to several dogs. So, how can you cut the cost while meeting your dog’s food requirements?- by buying dog food in bulk, e.g., a 100 lb. bag of dog food. Buying in bulk will save you money and make it convenient since you won’t need frequent visits to the store. But how many pounds of bags of dog food do you need?

How Many Pounds of Bag Dog Food Should I Buy?

The right bag of dog food for you will depend on several factors. First, how much does your dog eat? Every dog has unique food requirements depending on breed, size, and weight. So, figuring out how much your dog should eat or eat will give you an idea of the size of a bag of dog food you need to buy.

Also, you should consider your budget. How much do you have to spend on dog food? Third, consider the shelf life of the bag of dog food. Usually, a sealed bag has a maximum shelf life of 18 months, while most open bags of dog food have a 6-week shelf life. Here is an example of determining how many pounds you should buy.

Let us assume you prefer dry dog food. Each pound has around 4 cups. So, if you buy a 30lb bag of dry dog food, that is approximately 120 cups of food for your dog. If your dog eats 2 cups daily, that is 1lb for two days.

So, a 30 lb. bag will last you for around eight weeks. You might need to consider a 20-pound bag for your dog instead of risking the food expiring after six weeks before your dog eats it.  Based on this example, evaluate the situation at a personal level. How many dogs do you have, how much do they eat?

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Determining Your Needs Based on Dog Size

You can use this guide:

  • A 4 to 6 lbs. bag for a small dog weighing 20 pounds or less
  • 12 to 18 lbs. bag of dog food for a medium dog weighing between 20 and 50 lbs. or to feed two small dogs
  • 24 to 30 lbs. of food for a large dog weighing more than 50 lbs. or for two medium-sized dogs
  • 50lbs or more for two or more large dogs

Here are some best dry foods to consider when buying dog food.

How Many Cups Are in a Bag of Dog Food?

It is easier to get your calculations right if you work with cup sizes. 50lb bags of dog food have around 200 cups for medium-sized kibble pieces. The bag may have around 100 cups if the kibble pieces are large.

This means 100 lbs bags of dog food have 400 cups for medium-sized kibble pieces and 200 cups for large kibble sizes. 1lb of dog food (dry) has 4 cups. So based on this, you can work through any measurements and determine how much to buy.

How To Store Dog Food

The best way to store a bag of dog food will depend on the type of food. Is it dry or wet dog food? For dry dog food, most manufacturers recommend pet owners keep the food in their original bags. The original bags are well suited to retain the fats.

If you must empty the dry food, empty it into an enclosed plastic container and store it in a cool, dry environment. It is better if your home has a climate-controlled area to avoid erratic temperature fluctuations. 

Avoid storing the bags in a warm or damp place. Most manufacturers add the label “store in a cool, dry place,” which should be followed. A cool and dry place helps maintain the wholesomeness of the food and slows oxidation.

Tips for Storing Wet Dog Food

Wet dog food is stored differently. You should store it in smaller containers. Store it in plastic pet food containers with lids that fit the top of the can to make it airtight, then put the containers in the fridge.

See also  My Perfect Pet Dog Food Review

The food should be in a dry and cool place, preferably not on the floor, to avoid mold growth. Most wet foods have a shorter shelf life, and you will need to throw it out after the indicated expiration date.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Buying Dog Food

You rush to the supermarket, get to the dog food shelf, and pick a bag of dog food. What could you possibly be doing wrong? Here are some common mistakes to avoid when buying dog food.

  • Grabbing the first bag you see– often, we grab what is nearest on the shelf. But do you pay attention to the best-by date on the bag? Most dogs feed on dry food containing natural preservatives that should be consumed by at least 18 months from manufacturing. Dry food contains nutrients, and oxidation reduces vitamin activity.
  • Emptying the food to a different container- yes, it may be more convenient to scoop food from a wide plastic bin instead of getting it from the bag, but leaving it in the bag is better. Bins are not food-safe plastic, and they are prone to degradation when they get in contact with fat in dog food. So, the plasticizer could leach out and enter the dog food. Also, the bin must be very clean; otherwise, you risk “seeding” a new batch of food with fats from the old batch. 
  • Disposing of the original bag of dog food too soon- the bag contains information on the food, the contents, the manufacturing code number, and the dates. These are important details, especially if you have problems with the product or if your dog gets sick. You can inform the vet about the product or raise an issue with the FDA regarding the food standards if need be. Therefore, do not dispose of the bag until your dog finishes the food.
See also  What is the Best Wet Dog Food for German Shepherds? 

Buying the best dog food for your pet might be expensive, but it always pays off with better health. Fortunately, you can cut costs by buying bags of dog food. Remember to get the right nutritional balance for your dog, and follow these tips if you are struggling with an underweight dog.


Is it better to keep dog food in a bag or container?

It depends on the type of food. It is best to store dry dog food in the bag of food it came in. Either keep the bag folded or clipped to keep it fresh. Wet dog food is best stored in an airtight storage container and kept in the fridge.

Is it better to buy small bags of dog food?

Buying small bags of dog food is okay if you have one or more than one small dog. But if you have large dogs, buying big bags of dog food is better.  

Should you take dog food out of the bag?

No, it is best not to because exposing the food outside the bag leads to faster oxidation and might affect the quality of the dog food.

How much is a bag of dog food?

The cost varies depending on the brand and the pounds—however, the cheapest costs between $5.48, and the expensive one costs around $119. Small bags cost between $10 and $15, while larger bags cost between $30 and $40. 

How big is a bag of dog food?

Bags can be 4,8, 10, 15, and 20 pounds. There are bigger sizes, 50lbs to 100lbs bags of dog food.

How long will a bag of dog food last?

How long it lasts depends on the number of dogs and their feeding requirements, but it may last between 2 weeks and as long as six months if it is stored properly.

My name is Gloria. I have a passion for writing about dogs. After my degree in Zoology, I pursued my interest in dogs with a series of certifications on dog nutrition, grooming, and much more.

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