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Coconut Oil for Dog’s Teeth: All You Need to Know

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Are you always scheduling professional teeth cleaning for your dog? You can avoid using anaesthesia and the expenses of regular visits by brushing your dogs’ teeth with coconut oil. Coconut oil is a natural dog teeth cleaner and offers numerous benefits. According to this National Institute of Health study, coconut oil has proven effective in decreasing plaque and fighting gum diseases. Here is a dive into coconut oil, whether it is right to brush dog teeth with coconut oil, and the benefits.

Coconut Oil: What is It?

It is a fatty oil with medium-chain triglycerides, often abbreviated as MCTs, with antibacterial and antifungal benefits. MCTs contain various acids, e.g., Capric Acid, Caprylic Acid, Lauric Acid, Palmitic, Myristic Acids, Linoleic-polyunsaturated fatty acids (2%), and oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid (6%)

Why You Should Be Concerned About Your Dog’s Teeth and Dental Health

Most dog owners give their furry friends rawhide and dental chew. While they are good products if used responsibly, that is not all. Unlike us, dogs are not prone to getting cavities. However, they are at high risk of developing active gum disease. You can prevent gum diseases in dogs by brushing their teeth regularly to get rid of plaque and tartar. 

Failing to brush your dogs’ teeth can lead to periodontal diseases, which is especially common for small-breed dogs like Chihuahuas and Yorkies. It might also result in poor eating habits due to discomfort, reduced appetite, heart disease, liver infections, etc. Regular brushing helps avoid these problems, keeping your pet healthy, comfortable, and happy. 

Can I Brush My Dog’s Teeth Using Coconut Oil?

Yes, you can. Surprisingly, less than 10% of dog parents clean their dog’s teeth. This is a worrisome trend because dogs are prone to dental diseases, and most have tartar buildup, which can be uncomfortable. Coconut oil offers a simple solution to a costly problem. 

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Coconut oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties and can act as a toothpaste for your dogs, keeping their teeth white and healthy. So, brushing your dog’s teeth using coconut oil is recommended.

How Do You Use Coconut Oil to Brush a Dog’s Teeth?

The procedure to brush your dog’s teeth using coconut oil is straightforward. 

  • Get a baby/pet toothbrush and coconut oil
  • Apply the coconut oil to the toothbrush
  • Brush their teeth gently and in a circular motion

Most dogs have difficulty with the sensation and might need reassurance during the process. Ensure you brush your pet’s teeth at least three times every week. 

What is the Right Dosage?

When brushing your dog’s teeth using coconut oil, it is important to use the right amount. Too little coconut oil might not clean your pet’s teeth efficiently, and too much of it could have adverse effects. While coconut oil is natural and safe for your dog to ingest, too much of it could result in a stomach upset. The correct dosage is 1 tsp for 10 pounds, then 1 tsp for 30 pounds. 

Benefits of Using Coconut Oil to Brush a Dog’s Teeth

Dental hygiene diseases can greatly affect your dog’s health. A dog with loose teeth, inflamed gums, plaque buildup, and other issues can experience discomfort, which over time causes pain when they eat. Additionally, an infection can spread from their mouth to their body, causing more issues. 

Coconut oil is a rich source of saturated fats and contains acids that kill fungi, bacteria, and viruses. For example, coconut oil contains 50% lauric acid, which kills bacteria and is most effective with streptococcus mutans, responsible for gum diseases, teeth decay, and stinky breath in dogs. Coconut oil is also effective for tackling Lactobacillus, a common bacteria in a dog’s mouth that causes decay.

Using coconut oil to brush your dog’s teeth also supplies them with a natural oil that helps immune response and digestion, strengthens the joints, and improves their skin health. While dogs are different, and some may not like toothpaste’s taste, most do not resist coconut oil. You can transition from toothpaste to coconut oil smoothly by allowing them to lick the coconut oil off your fingers or palms first. 

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Besides helping keep your dog’s teeth clean, coconut oil can also help prevent dental diseases and keep them healthy. Despite regularly brushing your dog’s teeth, always schedule a professional dental cleaning visit with your vet at least once yearly for better dental health. 


My dog does not enjoy me brushing his teeth. What do I do?

Some dogs might feel irritated when you brush their teeth. In this case, you can use a finger or gauze to brush their teeth. You also need to be patient with them as they get accustomed to brushing. Alternatively, you can try getting a pet toothbrush with a long handle.

Will coconut oil remove tartar from teeth?

Yes, coconut oil contains natural acids that effectively reduce plaque and remove tartar buildup from dog teeth.

Can I brush my dog’s teeth with baking soda and coconut oil?

Baking soda has a lot of uses, and among them is teeth whitening. While baking soda can help remove stains from your pet’s teeth and plaque buildup, it is not the best option. Flavored baking soda can poison your dog.

Plain baking soda, though recommended, can weaken your dog’s teeth, causing more damage when used in excess. Therefore, using coconut oil for your dog’s teeth is best. Coconut oil is safe to consume and helps reduce plaque and tartar buildup on their teeth. 

Can I brush my dog’s teeth with human toothpaste?

No, you should never use human toothpaste to brush your dog’s teeth. Human toothpaste contains ingredients that may be harmful to dogs and could poison them. 

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How to clean dog teeth without brushing

You can add coconut oil to their dog food or have them lick it off your fingers to clean their teeth without them brushing. This will, however, not be as effective as brushing.

Can I brush my dog’s teeth with baking soda?

Yes, you can. However, it is not the best option because baking soda can lead to toxicity in most dogs when ingested. Therefore, consider using dog toothpaste or, better, coconut oil. 

Will coconut oil help get rid of my dog’s dental diseases?

If you have reason to suspect your pouch has dental disease, it is essential first to have them examined by a professional vet. While teeth cleaning might help, it is essential first to understand what your dog is dealing with before attempting home remedies.

Is coconut oil for dogs safer than toothpaste for dogs?

Yes, it is. While there is toothpaste specifically made for dogs, it is hard to know the exact products and quantities the manufacturer used when making the paste. Besides, dogs do not know how to spit when brushing. So, since coconut oil is a natural product, it is not worrying if they ingest it during brushing.

How can I use coconut oil for a dog with dental hygiene issues?

If your dog has been dealing with dental hygiene issues, you can use coconut oil to remove them. Coconut oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can keep these hygiene issues at bay.

Add coconut oil to their food. While it may not be very effective for cleaning their teeth, the coconut oil will rub around the dog’s mouth and can help with their dental hygiene. Add the coconut oil to their diet gradually and monitor how their body handles the new ingredient.

My name is Gloria. I have a passion for writing about dogs. After my degree in Zoology, I pursued my interest in dogs with a series of certifications on dog nutrition, grooming, and much more.

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