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Manual Dog Treadmills: Hyped or Worth It?

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Manual dog treadmills, also known as dog-powered or self-propelled, require the dog’s effort for the belt to move. These manual dog treadmills are safe and good because your dog’s momentum determines its speed, and they lack motorized support. 

Besides their safety, manual dog treadmills are an excellent alternative to outdoor dog exercises because your dog can exercise anytime indoors. You might be on the fence, wondering if purchasing a manual dog treadmill is wise. Therefore, we decided to compile a comprehensive guide on manual dog treadmills to help you make an informed decision. 

The History Of Dog Treadmills

Dog treadmills have existed since the 1900s, so they are a trend that has been around for a while. Dog treadmills were first used for research before their use expanded to therapeutic and exercise purposes. 

The first manual dog treadmill was marketed as dog exercise equipment in 1939 by John R. Richards, and since then, there’s been a great evolution and upgrades. 

Why Manual Dog Treadmills?

Our dog seems to run faster on it than when placed on an electric treadmill so we figured that a manual treadmill was helping the puppy burn more calories.  Manual dog treadmills are also easy to maintain. Additionally, they are weather resistant because they don’t have computerized parts that malfunction when wet.

Why Your Dog Needs A Manual Treadmill

The main reason why your dog needs a manual dog treadmill is for exercising. But that’s not it, there are several other reasons you might want to consider getting one. These are:

Prevention Of Dog Obesity

A report published by VCA Animals Hospitals shows that over 50% of dogs in North America are overweight. This is way more than expected, and the numbers keep rising. 

You don’t want to have a skinny dog, but an obese dog is at risk of many diseases, and the weight shortens your puppy’s life.  A manual dog treadmill is a supplemental exercise tool that can help your dog shed some extra weight and reduce the chances of getting obese. 

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With a proper diet plan and exercising on the treadmill, you get a healthy and fit dog free from the risk of life-threatening diseases. 

Ideal For Disabled Dog Owners

For a dog owner with special needs, it might be hard for you to get your dog outdoors for some exercise. Fortunately, a manual dog treadmill can help you exercise your dog indoors without any inconvenience. 

Great For Busy Homes

We live in a busy era, and you might not have enough time to take your dog out for walks or outdoor exercises. A manual dog treadmill allows you to exercise your dog any day and anytime in the comfort of your home. 

You Have A High Energy Dog

Some dog breeds naturally have high energy, and it takes lots of work to diminish that energy else they get hyper. If you have such a dog and the walks and outdoor exercises seem not to burn out that energy, a self-propelled dog treadmill can be a brilliant idea. 

Great For A Sick Puppy

If your dog hasn’t been well and you’re on the recovery journey, outdoor exercises may not always be convenient. Luckily with a manual dog treadmill at home, you can exercise your dog without exposing it to any dangers.

Cut Vet and Dog Walker Bills

Often, busy dog owners resort to hiring the services of a dog walker so that their dogs can get the daily dose of exercise. With a dog treadmill, you no longer have to pay someone to take your dog for a walk. It also eliminates some vet fees since a dog that doesn’t exercise develops several complications that require the attention of a veterinarian. With a manual dog treadmill, you can avoid these expenses.

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Prevents Allergies

If you and your dog are allergic to weed and pollen, then going out for exercise can be a challenge. With a self-propelled dog treadmill, you can avoid allergy breakouts that might cost you extra money to treat. 

Best Option For Lazy Dogs

If your dog lacks the motivation to exercise every time, then a manual dog treadmill can help. Although they might not jump at this tool immediately, with time, it will motivate them to exercise. 

How To Get Your Dog To Use A Manual Dog Treadmill: Dog Treadmill Training

At first, your dog is not sure how to react when you get them a treadmill. A common mistake we make is creating a negative association between the dog and the treadmill. Encourage your dog to sniff, and jump on and around the treadmill to get used to it. The process shouldn’t be rushed because it will scare your dog away and feel like it’s a punishment tool. 

In this section, we share with you a step-by-step process on how to get your dog used to a manual dog treadmill. 

Step 1: Set The Treadmill Up

Set up the manual treadmill in the ideal space where you want it to be. Ensure that the machine is not facing the wall to create the impression that your dog is going for a walk. 

Step 2: Let Your Dog Familiarise Himself With The Treadmill

You don’t have to start using the manual treadmill once it gets home, you can just set it up and let your dog get used to it first. 

Step 3: Leash Your Dog And Teach It To Get On And Off The Treadmill

Leash your dog and guide it to get on and off the treadmill until they get used to this exercise. Move to the next step by using verbal commands like “get on” and “get off”  to prompt the dog to jump on and off the treadmill. Once they get used to this step get on to the fleshy part- using the treadmill. 

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Step 4: Train The Dog To Walk On The Treadmill

Train your dog to walk on the treadmill and once they start moving give them a little treat. Do this as you hold the leash until the dog completely gets used to walking on the manual dog treadmill then you can tie the leash on the treadmill. 

Step 5: Start Small

The first few days you want to keep the exercise minimal until your dog starts enjoying the exercises then you go for intense and longer workouts. You can start with 2-3 minutes and go up to 20-30 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is A Manual Treadmill Good For Dogs?

Yes. Manual dog treadmills are good for dogs because dogs run faster in them and get to burn more calories than when on electric dog treadmills. 

Can A Dog Use a Manual Treadmill?

Yes, a dog can use a manual treadmill. 

Can I Use My Treadmill For My Dog?

No. Although you might feel it’s okay to put your dog on a human treadmill, experts advise against it because the length of the deck is short for dogs and the suspension system is different. 

Are Manual Treadmills Worth It?

Yes, manual dog treadmills are worth it because they offer all the benefits of outdoor exercising indoors. These exercise tools help your dog cut calories, remain fit, and prevent health problems. 

What Is The Price Of a Manual Dog Treadmill?

A manual dog treadmill can cost about $250 to $350. 

My name is Gloria. I have a passion for writing about dogs. After my degree in Zoology, I pursued my interest in dogs with a series of certifications on dog nutrition, grooming, and much more.

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